About Us

The Athlone Park Community Police Sub Forum (APCPSF) is a volunteer organization made up of residents that are committed to making Athlone Park safer for everyone.

The APCPSF is a sub forum that operates under the Amanzimtoti Community Police Forum (CPF). The role of all CFP's and CPSF's is to partner with the South African Police Service (SAPS) in the fight against crime.

5 Reasons To Join

1. Access to information about security threats to prevent crime

Through our WhatsApp groups, you get early warnings about suspicious people and vehicles that are in area as well as information about the methods that are being used by criminals in the area.

2. Support and information from the community if you do end up a victim of crime.

You get access to hundreds of additional eyes looking for suspects and providing information that could help catch the criminals involved.

3. More effective operation of SAPS and security companies in our area.

Working together as a community, we can come up with effective solutions in partnership with SAPS and security companies, lobby for those solutions as a united community and help implement them together.

4. Gain more control over your own safety and that of your family.

Rather than waiting to become another victim and a crime statistic, this is something very simple that you can do to pro-actively help minimize your chances of being a victim. Your own property might be very well secured, but the moment you step outside or drive outside your gates, you are exposed to all the same risks as everyone else in the community.

5. Friendship and a closer sense of community.

During community events, meetings and patrols, you get to know more of your neighbours and people all over your area. The best way to create a safer community is to create a more closely knit community where everyone knows each other and looks out for each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to parol?

No. We need all the patrollers we can get, but you do NOT need to go on any patrols if you are unable to.

What does it cost to join?


What do I have to do if I join?

1. Keep a watchful eye for suspicious activity.
2. Share relevant information with other members on the WhatsApp group.
3. Try to attend meetings and give your input.

How do I join?

1. Complete the application form that can be found on our website.

2. Email the application form to the email address at the bottom of the application form (forms@AthloneParkCPF.org.za). Alternatively, you could drop off the application form at the Athlone Park Library.

3. Send us a copy of the top part of a municipal utility bill as proof that you are a resident of the area.


The following are some useful resources available for you to download:

Contact Us

Membership Application Form Submissions


General Enquiries


Chairperson - Rishane Rajkoomar


Secretary - Kerry McMahon


Social Media